Prim. Miodrag Lacić, završio je studij medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Nakon čega je pohađao i završio Postdiplomski studij iz onkologije na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Primarius Lacić magistrirao je iz kliničkog područja bolesti štitnjače 1993. godine. Doktorsku disertaciju dr. Lacić je napravio tijekom stručnog i znantsvenog usavršavanja u Londonu. Dr. Lacić do sada je objavio više od 100 znanstvenih radova te održao brojna predavanja kako na međunarodnim tako i domaćim znanstvenim kongresima i stručnim skupovima. Najuže područje liječničkog djelovanja dr. Lacića je liječenje bolesti štitnjače.
Primarius Lacić je ekspert Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (World Health Organization - WHO).
Dr. Lacić je znanstveni suradnik Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Dr. Lacić je redoviti član Europskog društva za štitnjaču (European Thyroid Association - ETA).
Dr. Lacić je član Američkog društva za štitnjaču (American Thyroid Association - ATA).
- 1988. Doktor medicine, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
- 1993. Magistar znanosti, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
- 1998. Doktor znanosti, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
- 1996. Specijalist nuklearne medicine.
- 2003. Znanstveni suradnik, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
- 2008. Primarijus.
- 1989/1990, Pripravnički staž, Klinička bolnica «Jordanovac».
- 1990-1992, Znanstveni novak, Klinika za onkologiju i nuklearnu medicinu, Klinička bolnica «Sestre Milosrdnice».
- 1992-1996, Specijalizacija iz nuklearne medicine, Klinika za onkologiju i nuklearnu medicinu, Klinička bolnica «Sestre Milosrdnice».
- 1996-2002 godine, Specijalist nuklearne medicine, Klinika za onkologiju i nuklearnu medicinu, Klinička bolnica «Sestre Milosrdnice».
- 2002-2005 godine, Specijalist nuklearne medicine, Poliklinika „Dr. Bates“, Svetice 15, Zagreb.
- 2005 - Specijalistička ordinacija „dr. Lacić“, Ledine 23, Zagreb.
- 2009 - Specijalistička ordinacija „dr. Lacić“, Bukovačka cesta 238, Zagreb.
- 2009 - Poliklinika Lacić, Bukovačka cesta 238, Zagreb.
- 2009 - Znanstveni simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem: „Jodna profilaksa – iskustva i nedoumice.“ Zagreb 20.5.2009.
- 2011 - Poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. Kategorije. Kronična venska insuficijencija – skleroterapija. Zagreb, 9.4.2011.
- 2012 - 9-ti kongres hrvatskog kardiološkog društva. Opatija. 13.-16.10.2012.
- 2012 - Hrvatski ortopedski i traumatološki kongres 2012 s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem i pod pokroviteljstvom EFORT-a. Lovran, 16.-18.11.2012.
- 2013 - 7. Hrvatski kongres o osteoporozi, Opatija, 11.-13.4.2013.
- 2013 - Proljetni sastanak Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu. 26.04.2013.
- 2013 - Simpozij o osteoporozi. Zagreb. 25.10.2013.
- 2014 - 8th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Šibenik, May 9-12, 2014.
- 2014 - Znanstveni sastanak Tumori prostate. 28.11.2014.
- 2015 - 4. Zajednički kongres Hrvatskog društva za ultrazvuk u medicini i biologiji HLZ i Združenja za rabo ultrazvoka v medicini SZD. Split, Croatia, 2015.
- 2016 - Proljetni sastanak Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu. 06.05.2016.
- 2017 - 9th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine with 12th. Alpe Adria Nuclear Medicine Symposium. Rovinj, Croatia, May 4-7,2017.
- 2018 - Četvrti proljetni sastanak Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem „50 godina nuklearne medicine u Osijeku“. 25.05.2018.
- 2018 - 5. sastanak Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem.19.10.2018.
- 2018 - 6. znanstveni sastanak TUMORI PROSTATE. Zagreb, Hrvatska, 16. studeni, 2018.
- 2020 - Covid-19 Webinar. HLK edukacija. 16.09.2020.
- 2020 - 9. hrvatski kongres nefrologije, dijalize i transplantacije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Virtualni kongres. 22-24.10.2020.
- 2020 - Karcinom štitnjače. Webinar. 20.11.2020.
- 2021 - Vrhunski hrvatski stručnjaci o cijepljenju protiv COVID-19. Webinar. 27.01.2021.
- 2021 - 19. simpozij Radne skupine za aritmije i elektrostimulaciju Hrvatskog kardiološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Webinar. 19.03.2021.
- 2021 - Cijepljenje protiv COVID-19 – nedoumice i najnovije spoznaje. Webinar 13.12.2021.
- 2022 - Planiranje kadrova u zdravstvu – Webinar. February 12, 2022.
- 2022 - 10. simpozij: Odabrane teme iz dijalize. Webinar. 4.3.2022.
- 2022 - Simpozij: Svjetski dan bubrega – Znanjem do bolje skrbi za bubrežne bolesnike. Webinar. 11.3.2022.
- 2022 - Post-covid sindrom, klinički aspekt i hrvatska iskustva. Webinar. 11.03.2022.
- 2022 - Simpozij Alzheimerova bolest; update 2022. 16.09.2022.
- 2022 - Tokofobija u Hrvatskoj – strah od poroda? Zagreb, Hrvatska, 21. rujna 2022.
- 2022 - 7. simpozij povodom Svjetskog dana moždanog udara. Webinar. 27.10.2022.
- 2022 - Etički principi u nefrologiji. Webinar. 24.11.2022.
- 2022 - e-Akademija Cijepljenje protiv COVID-19 – neduomice i najnovije spoznaje. Webinar. 31.12.2022.
- 2023 - 16th Croatian oncology congress. Poreč, Croatia, April 20-23, 2023.
- 2024 - 11th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Pula, Croatia, May 16-19, 2024.
- 2024 - Istaknute teme s ERA kongresa 2024. Webinar. 26.09.2024.
- 9/1993-10/1993, Interregional Training Course on Nuclear Medicine, Klinik für Nuklearmedizin und Endokrinologie, Klinikum Berlin-Buch, Berlin, Germany; Professor Harald F. Deckart, M.D. Ph.D.
- Continuing Education Program at the EANM Congress, August 1994, Dusseldorf, Germany.
- 23 - 27 September 1994, The First Central and Eastern European Refresher Course in Nuclear Medicine, Budapest, Hungary.
- 10/1994 - 4/1995, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Guy's Hospital, London, and Clinical PET Center Guy's and St. Thomas Hospital, London, UK; Professor Michael Norman Maisey, M.D. Ph.D.
- Continuing Education Program at the EANM Congress, August 1995, Brussels, Belgium.
- 11 - 13 May 1996, 4th Seminar of the European School of Nuclear Medicine in BRDO, Slovenia.
- Continuing Education Program at the EANM Congress, September 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Continuing Education Program at the WFNMB/EANM joint congress, 1998, Berlin, Germany.
- 4 - 6 September 1998, Radioisotope Imaging of Infection and Inflammation, Postcongress Meeting of Berlin, Strzekecin, Poland.
- International Breast Ultrasound Seminar, International Breast Ultrasound School, 6 - 7 March 1999, Vienna, Austria
- Application of radionuclide techniques in Oncology, Regional Training Course, International Atomic Energy Agency, 5 -16 July 1999. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Continuing Education Program at the EANM Congress, September 1999, Barcelona, Spain.
- Continuing Education Program at the EANM Congress, September 2000, Paris, France.
- “Regional Training Course on Pediatric Nuclear Medicine” 23-27 April 2001. Lemesos, Cypar.
- IV. Munchener Nuklearmedizin-Symposium “Wo Positronen und Elektronen sich treffen”-PET-Kurs, 21.-22. September 2001. Munich, Germany.
- Stipendija Vlade Savezne Republike Njemačke (DAAD-stipendija). Nuklearmedizinishe Klinik und Poliklinik, Technical University of Munich, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Munich, Germany. Professor Markus Schwaiger, MD, PhD. 01.09. do 30.11.2001.
- Evropski onkološki institute, Milan, Italija, Profesor Pagannelli, 28.04. -27.07.2004.
- International Symposium on Nuclear Cardiology, Beijing, China, 27-31 May 2002.
- International Symposium on Nuclear Oncology, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 19-23 January 2004.
- 21th. Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine – EANM. Munich, Germany, 11.-15. October 2008.
- 1st. International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (ISRT-2008), Goa, India, 27.-30. October, 2008.
- SGH Nuclear Medicine Update, Singapore General Hospital, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Singapore 1-7 March 2009.
- 42nd Seminar of the European School of Nuclear Medicine. Opatija, Croatia, 15.-17. May, 2009.
- 3rd. International Conference on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (ICRT-2009), Cartagena, Colombia, 3.-7. November, 2009.
- XXII Congreso de Alasbimn. Noviembre 5 al 7 de 2009, Cartagena, Colombia.
- Symposium: “Fast Protocol School”, “Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center”, Nuclear Medicine Department, Athens, Greece. 19 March 2010.
- 10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Cape Town, South Africa. 18-23 September 2010.
- 23rd Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine – EANM’10. Vienna, Austria. 9-13 October 2010.
- Ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy course part one and two. The British Vein Institute. Birrmingam, UK. 12-13 March 2011.
- Training Course: “THD: Mini-invasive surgery for the treatment of haemorrhoids”. AO Ospedale di Circolo di Melegano – Presidio Ospedaliero di Vizzolo Predabissi. 11-12 April 2011.
- Fotona Workshop: “Endo Vascular Treatments” with XP-2 Focus Nd:YAG Laser System. Slovenija, January 2012.
- XI Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Invited lecture - Speaker. Chairman. Cancun, Mexico. 27-31 August 2014.
- 15th International thyroid Congress & 85th. Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, October 18-23, 2015.
- 39th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 3-6, 2016.
- 40th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Belgrade, Serbia, September 9-12, 2017.
- 87th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. Victoria, BC, Canada, October 18-22,2017.
- 12th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Melbourne, Australia, 20-24 April, 2018.
- 12th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology Post Congress Symposium. Cairns, Australia, 26-27 April, 2018.
- 88th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. Washington, DC, USA, October 3-7,2018.
- 42th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Budapest, Hungary, September 7-10, 2019.
- Nuclear Cardiology Webinar: Clinical value of nuclear cardiology in coronary artery disease – advances in pharmacology stress test. September 22, 2020.
- Nuclear Cardiology Webinar: Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) in new era. September 23, 2020.
- CNS SPECT/CT Imaging Educational Course - virtual. Athens, Greece, 18-19 December, 2020.
- The 16th International thyroid Congress – virtual. December 16-20, 2020.
- ATA & ETA Webinar. January 19, 2021.
- MIND & BRAIN – 61st International Neuropsychiatric Congress. May 26th-29th,2022. Virtual.
- 44th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Brussels, Belgium, September 10-13, 2022.
- 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 19-23,2022.
- Highlights of the Managment of TED Consensus Statment. ATA Webinar. January 18, 2023.
- Excellence in Cardiac MRI and Cardiac CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging. Panel Discussion and Clinical Case Presentations. Hybrid Scientific Event. 29th March, 2023. Virtual.
- 45th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Milan, Italy, September 09-13, 2023.
- ETA-ATA trainee meeting. November 6th, 2023. Virtual.
- Course: Treatment of Patients with Chronic Venous Disease – New Insights and Methods at Avelana Surgical Center Otočac, Slovenia. Novo Mesto 11.11.2023.
- Is Bile Acid Diarrhoea an underdiagnosed condition? Meet the Experts Webinar. 304h January 2024.
- PIUR IMAGING. Infinity 4,0 Launch Webinar. Februar 7th, 2024.
- Edukativni mrežni seminar „Hladne noge“. Hrvatska udruga za artimije „Ritam srca“. Zagreb, 28. veljače 2024.
- 46th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association. Athens, Greece, September 07-10, 2024.
- Multidisciplinary Discussion / The Value of Quantification Webinar. 17th September, 2024.
- 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association. Chicago, IL, USA, October 30-November 3,2024.
- The hybrid scientific event: Recent advances in Stress Perfusion Cardiac Imaging. Case presentations. Thessaloniki, Greece. 14th December, 2024.
U svojstvu znanstvenog novaka dr. Lacić je sudjelovao u znanstvenom projektu:
- Projekt Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske; Znanstveni projekt broj 3-01-222/90; Naziv projekta: Epidemiologija gušavosti u Hrvatskoj.
U svojstvu znanstvenog istraživača dr. Lacić je sudjelovao u slijedećim znanstvenim projektima:
- Projekt Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju: IAEA-supported Technical Co-operation project No. CRO 9/006 "Strengthening of applications of radiation in medicine".
- Projekt Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju: IAEA Research Contract No. CRO/8449. "Immunoscintigraphy with Tc-99m labeled monoclonal antibodies in follow-up of patients with colorectal carcinoma."
- Projekt Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske; Znanstveni projekt broj 134002; Naziv projekta: Istraživanje novih pristupa u dijagnozi, prognozi i liječenju bolesnika s tumorima debelog crijeva.
Dr. Lacić je bio voditelj međunarodnog znanstvenog projekta:
- Projekt Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju: IAEA Coordinated Research Project No. 11698/RO/RBF, “Radiopharmaceutical imaging to predict and evaluate the response of breast cancer to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
- Lj. Lukinac, Z. Kusić, M. Lacić, D. Nöthig-Hus. Prevalenc of TPO over TMA and TGA autoantibodies in patients with Graves and Hashimoto disease. Eur J Nucl Med 1992;5P2-4
- M. Lacić, Lj. Lukinac, Z. Kusić, N. Juras, D. Nöthig-Hus. In vitro thyroid tests in pregnancy. Acta med Croat 1992; 46:155-159.
- M. Lacić, S. Rončević, Ž. Labar, Z Kusić. Ultrasonografija scintigrafski “toplog” čvora u štitnjači. Prvi sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu. Knjiga sažetaka. Hrvatski liječnički zbor, Hrvatsko društvo za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb 1993:19.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, N. Đaković, A. Bolanča, J. Lukač, Z Kusić. Imonoscintigrafija metastaza karcinoma rektuma u jetri. Prvi sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu. Knjiga sažetaka. Hrvatski liječnički zbor, Hrvatsko društvo za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb 1993: 30.
- M. Lacić: Ehostruktura i citološka slika scintigrafski “toplog” čvora u štitnjači. Magistarski rad 1993. Zagreb.
- Z. Kusić, M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, N. Đaković: "Hot" and "cold" immunoscintigraphic appearance of liver metastases of rectal carcinoma. CMJ 1994;35:233-237.
- M. Lacić, S. Rončević, I. Valent, Z. Sonicki, N. Đaković, Z. Kusić. Study of the morphological characteristic of scintigraphically "warm" thyroid nodules. Acta clin Croat 1994;33:181-189.
- Z. Kusić, M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, K. Kovačić, N. Đaković, J. Lukač: Radioimmunoscintigraphy-a new, specific procedure in nuclear oncology. Acta med Croat 1994;48:151-157.
- Z. Kusić, M. Lacić, J. Lukač, T. Bokulić, N. Đaković. Disparate immunoscintigraphic appearance of liver metastases of rectal carcinoma. Proceedings of the XVI International Cancer Congress 1994;3:1877-1880.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, Z. Kusić, K. Kovačić, J. Lukač, N. Đaković. Disparity of bone scan and bone marrow scintigraphy with Tc-labeled antigranulocyte BW 250/183 antibody in patients with breast cancers. Eur J Nucl Med 1994; 21:832.
- T. Bokulić, M. Lacić, Z. Kusić, J. Lukač, S. Rončević, N. Đaković. Radioimmunoscintigraphy with Tc-labeled anti-CEA BW 431/26 antibody in follow up of colorectal carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med 1994; 21:856.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, K. Kovačić, J. Lukač, Z. Kusić. Correlation between bone scan and bone marrow immunoscintigraphy of the skull. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine. Book of abstracts. Croatian Society for Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb 1994: V 41.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, J. Lukač, N. Đaković, S. Rončević, Z. Kusić. Comparison of spect and whole-body planar imaging in radioimmunoscintigraphy with Tc-labeled antibodies. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine. Book of abstracts. Croatian Society for Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb 1994: V 40.
- Z Kusić, M. Lacić, J. Lukač, T. Bokulić, N. Đaković. Disparate immunoscintigraphic appearance of liver metastases of rectal carcinoma. XVI International Cancer Congress 1994, Abstract Book I, UICC, New Delhi, India 1994:27.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P. Marsden, M.N. Maisey. Dual tracer PET imaging in the evaluation of solid tumours. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 1994:8.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, J. Lukač, K. Kovačić, R.P. Baum, Z. Kusić. Bone marrow immunoscintigraphy and HAMA response in patients with breast cancer. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 1994:9.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, G.J.R. Cook, S.E.M. Clarke. Creation of the own normal Tl-201 bull's eye files. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 1994:16.
- T. Bokulić, M. Budanec, M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. An approach to absorbed fraction determination for radioimmunotherapeutic radionuclides in spherical sources. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 1994:17.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, J. Lukač, R.P. Baum, Z. Kusić. Immunoscintigraphy with BW 431/26 anti-cea antibody in patients with colorectal carcinoma: a per patient, per region and per lesion analysis. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 1994:18.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, J. Lukač, N. Đaković, S. Rončević, Z. Kusić. Comparison of 4-6 h and 20-24 h SPET and whole-body imaging in radioimmunoscintigraphy with Tc-labeled anti-CEA antibody. Nucl Med Commun 1995;16:219.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, K. Kovačić, J. Lukač, Z. Kusić. Qualitative and semi-quantitative radioimmunoscintigraphic evaluation of bone marrow expansion in the skull: Correlation with bone scan. Nucl Med Commun 1995;16:251.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, G.J.R. Cook, J. Shields, M. Lewis, S.J. Allen, S.E.M. Clarke. Tl-201 bullseye analysis: What is normal? Nucl Med Commun 1995;16:224.
- Bokulić T., Lacić M., Kusić Z. Absorbed fraction estimates for beta and electron emitting radionuclides in spherical sources. Eur J Nucl Med 1996; 23:S18.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, J. Lukač, K. Kovačić, R.P. Baum, Z. Kusić. Bone marrow immunoscintigraphy and bone scan in detection of skeletal metastasis in patients with breast cancer. Eur J Nucl Med 1996; 23:1146.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P. Marsden, MN Maisey. 11C methionine and 18FDG PET scan in the evaluation of malignant brain tumours. Eur J Nucl Med 1996; 23:1103.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P. Marsden, M.N. Maisey. Dual tracer PET imaging in the evaluation of solid tumours. Nuklearmedizin 1996; 35: A115.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, G.J.R. Cook, S.E.M. Clarke. Creation of the own normal Tl-201 bull's eye files. Nuklearmedizin 1996; 35: A117.
- K. Kovačić, T. Šušković, Z. Kusić, M. Lacić. Naša prva iskustva s ventilacijsko-perfuzijskim scintigramom u bolesnika sa sumnjom na plućnu emboliju. Liječ Vjesn 1997;119:27-31.
- M. Lacić, M.N. Maisey, Z. Kusić. Positron emission tomography in oncology: the most sophisticated imaging technology. Acta med Croat 1997; 51:1-9.
- M. Lacić. Usporedno ispitivanje F-18-fluorodeoksiglukoze i C-11-metionina u dijagnostici tumora mozga pozitronskom emisijskom tomografijom. Disertacija 1998. Zagreb.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, M. Budanec, Ž Soldić, D. Jurman, K. Kovačić, Z. Kusić. Alveolar permeability and lung ventilation before and after radiotherapy of patients with breast cancer. Nuklearmedizin 1998; 37: A57.
- A. Bolanča, D. Dodig, N. Đaković, D. Ivančević, K. Kovačić, Z. Kusić, M. Lacić, J. Lukač. Ostale terapijske primjene radionuklida. U: D. Ivančević, D. Dodig, Z. Kusić ur. Klinička nuklearna medicina. Zagreb, Hrvatska: Medicinska Naklada 1999: 173-178.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Kovačić K, Baum RP, Kusić Z. Bone marrow immunoscintigraphy for the detection of skeletal metastases in patients with breast cancer. Nucl Med Commun 1999; 20; 135:143.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Baum RP, Kusić Z. Immunoscintigraphy with Tc-99m labeled monoclonal anti-CEA BW 431/26 antibodies in patients with suspected recurrent and metastatic colorectal carcinoma - Two years follow-up. Nucl Med Commun 1999; 20:859-865.
- M. Lacić, P. Marsden, M.N. Maisey. Quantitative evaluation of 11C-methionine and 18FDG PET scan in patients with brain tumour. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 1999:7.
- M. Lacić, J. Lukač, T. Bokulić, Z. Kusić. Immunoscintigraphy with Tc-99m labelled anti-CEA fragments in follow-up of patients with colorectal carcinoma. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 1999:19.
- Bokulić T, Budanec M, Vekić B, Lacić M, Kusić Z. The use of the "ALARA" dosimeter in personal dose assessment in nuclear medicine procedures. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 1999:17.
- M. Lacić, P. Marsden, M.N. Maisey. Quantitative evaluation of 11C-methionine and 18FDG PET scan in patients with brain tumour. Nuklearmedizin 1999; 38: A124.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P. Marsden, M.N. Maisey. Semi-quantitative evaluation of 11C-methionine and 18FDG PET scan in patients with brain tumour. Eur J Nucl Med 1999; 26: 1160.
- M. Lacić, T. Bokulić, J. Lukač, R.P. Baum, A. Bolanča, Z. Kusić. Immunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinoma. Modern aspects in the management of colorectal and anal carcinoma, Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 1999;13-14.
- M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. “In vivo” karakterizacija žarišnih promjena jetrenog parenhima u bolesnika s kolorektalnim karcinomom: usporedna studija ultrazvuka, imunoscintigrafije i CT-a. III. Hrvatski kongres ultrazvučne dijagnostike. Knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 1999;14.
- M. Lacić, P. Marsden, M.N. Maisey. Quantitative evaluation of 11C-methionine and 18FDG PET scan in patients with brain tumour. Nuklearmedizin 1999; 38: A124.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P. Marsden, M.N. Maisey. Semi-quantitative evaluation of 11C-methionine and 18FDG PET scan in patients with brain tumour. Eur J Nucl Med 1999; 26: 1160.
- M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. Color and Power Doppler sonography in evaluation of liver hemangiomas. Ultrasound Med Biolog 2000; 26: A147.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P.K. Marsden, I. Fogelman, M.N. Maisey. Age-related changes in cerebral uptake of FDG and C-11methionine: A direct comparative PET study. Eur J Nucl Med 2000; 27: 1115.
- M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. The pattern of Color and Power Doppler sonography in scintigraphicaly confirmed liver hemangiomas. Eur J Nucl Med 2000; 27: 1073.
- M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. Color and Power Doppler sonography in evaluation of liver hemangiomas. Ultrasound Med Biolog 2000;26: A147.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P.K. Marsden, I. Fogelman, M.N. Maisey. Age-related changes in cerebral uptake of FDG and C-11methionine: A direct comparative PET study. Eur J Nucl Med 2000; 27: 1115.
- M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. The pattern of Color and Power Doppler sonography in scintigraphicaly confirmed liver hemangiomas. Eur J Nucl Med 2000; 27: 1073.
- M. Lacić. Izvješće s 9. Svjetskog kongresa ultrazvuka; interna medicina, nefrourologija, krvne žile. Plamenac hrvatskog društva za primjenu ultrazvuka u nuklearnoj medicini 2000; 2: 3-4.
- Lacić M, Kusić Z. Današnja uloga i budućnost kliničke primjene radioizotopskih metoda u dijagnostici bolesti dojke. U: Prpić I, Unušić J ur. Rak dojke u XXI. stoljeću. Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. Zagreb 2000: 19-25.
- M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Sonographic caracteristics of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with malignant melanoma. E J Nucl Med 2001; 28: 1144.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P.K. Marsden, I. Fogelman, M.N. Maisey. Effect of gender on cerebral 18FDG and 11C-methionine uptake: A direct comparative PET study. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28: 1135.
- S.A. Novosel, M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Scintigrafija limfnog čvora čuvara (sentinela) kod melanoma. 1. kongres hrvatskog onkološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, Hrvatska 2001;36-37.
- M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Detekcija limfnog čvora stražara (“sentinela”) u bolesnika s malignim melanomom. 1. kongres hrvatskog onkološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, Hrvatska 2001; 36-37.
- M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Color and power doppler sonography in evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with malignant melanoma. 13th Congress of EFSUMB, Book of abstracts, Edinburg, UK 2001.
- M. Lacić. Ultrazvuk i nuklearno-medicinske metode u dijagnostici tumora larinksa i hipofarinksa. Proceedings of the 1st Croatian Head and Neck Surgery Meeting, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2001.
- M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Detekcija limfnog čvora stražara («sentinela») u bolesnika s malignim melanomom. Proceedings of the 2nd Croatian Oncological Congress 2001 (in press).
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P.K. Marsden, I. Fogelman, M.N. Maisey. Effect of gender on cerebral 18FDG and 11C-methionine uptake. A direct comparative PET study. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28: 1135.
- M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Sonographic characteristics of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with malignant melanoma. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28: 1144.
- S.A. Novosel, M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Scintigrafija limfnog čvora čuvara (sentinela) kod melanoma. 1. Kongres Hrvatskog Onkološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, 2001, 36-37.
- M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Detekcija limfnog čvora stražara (“sentinela”) u bolesnika s malignim melanomom. 1. Kongres Hrvatskog Onkološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, 2001, 37-38.
- M. Lacić. Nuclear medicine techniques in evaluation of patients with the head and neck carcinoma. 1st International Symposium Tumors of the Head and Neck. Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 2001:26-27.
- M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. Colour and power Doppler sonography in evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with malignant melanoma. XIII European Congress of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. European Journal of Ultrasound 2002.
- M. Lacić, M. Piert, G.A. Becker, H.J. Machulla, M. Schwaiger. Quantitative evaluation of liver hypoxia with (15O)H2O anf (18F)FMISO positron emission tomography. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:43.
- S.A. Novosel, M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Lymphoscintigraphic mapping of sentinel lymph node in patients with malignant melanoma. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:25
- M. Franceschi, S. Rončević, S. Novosel, M. Lacić, Lj. Lukinac, N. Mateša, I. Tabain, M. Punda, Z. Kusić. Role of ultrasonography associated with aspiration biopsy in management of thyroid carcinoma. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:100.
- A. Prepelec, S.A. Novosel, M. Lacić. Scintigrafija limfnog čvora stražara (sentinela) s radiokoloidom: metodologija rada. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:118.
- D. Jurković, B. Rukavina, S. Novosel, M. Lacić. Scintigrafija dojke s 99mTc-SESTAMIBI. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:120.
- M. Lacić, J. Lukač, T. Bokulić, Z. Kusić. Mammoscintigraphy as the part of multimodality diagnostic approach to the patients with breast disorders. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:26
- T. Bokulić, M. Budanec, M. Lacić,Z. Kusić. A detailed information on energy spectra for the dual-isotope imaging obtained by Monte Carlo EGS4 simulation. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:94.
- T. Bokulić, M. Budanec, M. Lacić, Z. Kusić. The physical performance measurements on the multispect 2HD gamma camera. Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2002:93.
- M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Scintigraphic and sonographic characteristics of sentinel lymph node in patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma. J Nucl Med 2002; 43: 293P.
- M. Lacić, M. Piert, G.A. Becker, H.J. Machulla. Quantification of the hepatic 18F-MISO uptake using flow-wieghted total input functions based on H215O PET. J Nucl Med 2002; 43: 9P.
- M. Lacić, G.J.R. Cook, P.K. Marsden, I. Fogelman, M.N. Maisey. A Comparative Study of F-18 FDG and C-11 Methionine PET in the evaluation of Brain Tumours. World J Nucl Med 2002;1:68-73.
- M. Lacić, Z. Kusić, S.E.M. Clarke. Contribution of quantitative Bull’s eye analyses to the evaluation of Tl-201 SPECT scan in one-day Stress-Redistribution-Reinjection protocol. World J Nucl Med 2002;1:S8-S9.
- M. Lacić. J. Lukač, T. Bokulić, Z Kusić. Multy-modality diagnostic approach to the patients with breast disorders. Second Congress of Croatian Senologic Society. Book of abstracts, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Croatia, 2003; 55.
- M. Lacić. N. Ledinsky, M. Barišić-Šmalcelj, M. Bates. A comparative study between mammography, ultrasonography and US-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in evaluation of breast disorders. Second Congress of Croatian Senologic Society. Book of abstracts, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Croatia, 2003; 79.
- M. Lacić. J. Lukač, T. Bokulić, Z Kusić. Mammoscintigraphy in Evaluation of the Patients with Breast Disorders. World J Nucl Med 2004;3:S78-S79.
- M. Lacić. Nuclear medicine techniques in evaluation of patients with the larynx carcinoma. 2nd International Symposium Tumors of the Head and Neck. Book of abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 2004; 7-9.
- M. Lacić. J. Lukač, T. Bokulić, Z Kusić. Evaluation of breast disorders with different diagnostic techniques. XVI European Congress of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Liječ Vjesn 2004; 126(Suplement 2):157-158.
- M. Lacić. M. Barišić-Šmalcelj, N. Ledinsky, M. Končar, M. Bates. XRES SonoCT ultrasonography in evaluation of patients with breast disorders. XVI European Congress of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Liječ Vjesn 2004; 126 (Suplement 2): 34.
- M. Lacić. Bolesti štitnjače. Svijet zdravlja 2005; 7: 4-6.
- M. Lacić. M. Barišić-Šmalcelj, M. Ivkić, M. Bates. XRES SonoCT ultrasonography in evaluation of thyroid diseases. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2005; 99.
- M. Lacić. Bolesti dojke. Svijet zdravlja 2005; 8: 7-9.
- M. Lacić. M. Barišić-Šmalcelj, S. Gregurić-Mateša. Ultrasonography and US-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in evaluation of breast disorders. Liječ Vjesn 2006; 128 (Suplement 3)133.
- M. Lacić. Bolesti krvnih žila. Svijet zdravlja 2006; 9: 4-5.
- Lacić M, Gregurić-Mateša S, Barišić-Šmalcelj M, Ivkić M. Color Doppler imaging,US-FNAB and thyroid blood tests in evaluation of thyroid diseases. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46 (Suppl 2):123.
- Gregurić-Mateša S, Lacić M. Evaluation of thyroid functions in vitiligo patients. 4th. EMAA Congress, Book of abstracts, Paris, France, 2008.
- M. Lacić, J. Lukač, M.M. Lacić, R.P. Baum. Immunoscintigraphy with Tc-99m labelles anti-CEA fragments in patients with colorectal carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2008) 35 (Suppl 2): S288.
- Lacić M, Lukač J, Lacić MM, Baum RP. Radioimmuno-detection with Tc-99m labelles anti-CEA fragments in patients with colorectal carcinoma. World J Nucl Med 2008;7(4):245-246.
- M. Lacić, M.M. Lacić, M. Stanec, M. Ivkić, Z. Stanec, Z. Kusić. Evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma. XXII International ALASBIMN Congress, Book of abstracts, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2009.
- M. Lacić, J. Lukač, M.M. Lacić, R.P. Baum. Tc-99m labelled anti-CEA fragments in evaluation of patients with colorectal carcinoma. XXII International ALASBIMN Congress, Book of abstracts, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2009.
- Lacić M, Lacić MM, Stanec M, Ivkić M, Stanec Z, Kusić Z. Evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma. World J Nucl Med 2009;8(4):261.
- M. Lacić, M Ivanuša, B. Starčević, V. Ćorić. Gated SPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Kardio list 2010;5(5-6):61-65.
- M. Lacić, S.E.M. Clarke, M.M. Lacić. Quantitative analysis in evaluation of Tl-201 SPET scan in one-day stress-redistribution-reinjection protocol. World J Nucl Med 2010;9(1):S-28.
- M. Lacić, M. Barišić-Šmalcelj, M.M. Lacić. Multy-modality diagnostic approach to the patients with scintigraphycally “warm” thyroid nodules. World J Nucl Med 2010;9(1):S-106.
- M. Lacić, S.E.M. Clarke, M.M. Lacić. Evaluation of Tl-201 SPET scan in one-day stress-redistribution-reinjection protocol. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010;37 (Suppl 2): S375.
- M. Lacić, Z. Babić, B. Starčević, M. Ivanuša, I. Sokol, V. Ćorić. Gated SPECT perfuzijska scintigrafija miokarda. Liječ Vjesn 2010; 132 (Suppl 4) 71-72.
- M. Lacić, M. Barišić-Šmalcelj, M.M. Lacić. Multy-modality diagnostic approach to the patients with scintigraphycally indeterminable thyroid nodules. Seventh International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2011; 58.
- M. Lacić, Z. Babić, M.M. Lacić, B. Starčević, I. Sokol. MIBI GSPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Seventh International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Opatija, Croatia, 2011; 66.
- M. Lacić, M.M. Lacić. Color Doppler evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with malignant melanoma. Fifth Croatian Oncology Congress, Book of abstracts, Cavtat, Croatia, 2011; 8.
- M. Lacić, M.M. Lacić. Samarium (Sm-153) in the treatment of painful bone metastasis. Fifth Croatian Oncology Congress, Book of abstracts, Cavtat, Croatia, 2011; 11.
- M. Lacić, Z. Babić, B. Starčević, V. Ćorić, I. Sokol, M.M. Lacić. GATED-SPECT myocardial scintigraphy. Cardiologia CROATICA 2012; 7 (Suppl 1) 73.
- Lacić M, Bergovec M, Lacić MM. Bone scan in evaluation of patients with different bone pathology. Liječ Vjesn 2012; 134 (Suppl 4) 23-24.
- M. Lacić, M.M. Lacić. Achilles in SightTM ultrazvučna denzitometrija petne kosti. Sedmi hrvatski kongres o osteoporozi. Knjiga sažetaka, Opatija, Croatia, 2013; 53.
- M. Lacić, M. Sičaja, B. Starčević. GSPECT myocardial perfusion scintigraphy; one-day protocol. Eighth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Šibenik, Croatia, 2014; P-3.
- M. Lacić. Immunoscintigraphy (radioimmunodetection) with Tc-99m labelled anti-CEA monoclonal antybody and anti-CEA fragments in evaluation of patients with colorectal carcinoma. Invited lecture! XI Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. Cancun, Mexico. IJNMMI 2014.
- M. Lacić.Ultrazvučna denzitometrija. 4. Zajednički kongres Hrvatskog društva za ultrazvuk u medicini i biologiji HLZ i Združenja za rabo ultrazvoka v medicini SZD. Knjiga sažetaka, Split, Croatia, 2015.
- M. Lacic.J-131 therapy in patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules with a normal TSH level. Thyroid 2015;25 (Suppl 1):A-335.
- M. Lacic.The effect of J-131 therapy in patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal TSH level. Eur Thyroid J 2016;5 (suppl 1):130.
- M. Lacić, N. Nola. D. Eljuga. Ultrasound-guided peri-tumoral injection of Tc-99m labeled nanocolloid in breast cancer sentinel lymph node localization. 8th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Rovinj, Croatia, 2017; P-3.
- M. Lacic, M. Barisic-Smalcelj.Diagnostic evaluation of scintigraphycally „warm“ thyroid nodules. Eur Thyroid J 2017;6 (suppl. 1):104.
- M. Lacic.Evaluation of the J-131 therapy in patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal TSH level. Thyroid 2017;27 (suppl 1):A-52.
- M. Lacic. A fixed I-131 dose in therapy of patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal thyroid stimulating hormone level. World J Nucl Med 2018;17(suppl 1):63.
- M. Lacic. Radionuclide therapy in patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal TSH blood level. Thyroid 2018;28 (Issue S1):A-51.
- M. Lacic.Management of patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal TSH blood level. Eur Thyroid J 2019;8 (suppl. 1):89.
- M. Lacic. J-131 treatment of patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal TSH level. Endocrine Abstracts 2022;84:PS1-05-41.
- M. Lacić, N. Nola. S. Budi. Sentinel lymph node localization in patients with breast cancer. Lib Oncol. 2023;51(suppl 1):79.
- M. Lacic.Treatment of patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal TSH level. Thyroid 2022;32 (suppl 1):A-89.
- M. Lacic. Individualized approach to the patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal TSH level. Endocrine Abstracts 2023;92:PS1-04-01.
- M. Lacić, N. Nola. S. Budi. US-guided peri-tumoral injection of Tc-99m labeled nanocolloid in sentinel lymph node localization. 11th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of abstracts, Pula, Croatia, 2024; P-2.
- M. Lacic. J-131 therapy in patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal FT4 blood level. Endocrine Abstracts 2024;101:PS2-17-05.
- M. Lacic.Radionuclide therapy with I-131 in patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and normal FT4 blood level. Thyroid 2024;34 (suppl 1):A-74.